Projects and writing

Low Carbon Chinatown

Prototyped a carbon footprint calculator for Chinese dishes, working alongside designers and chefs. Hosted a series of data workshops and presented at the London Design Festival.

Making dbt model audits easier

Helper tool to search models by keys

From Presence to Prominence

Using computer vision to improve on-screen representation

Presentations at the International Federation of Television Archives (FIAT/IFTA) Joint Conference and at the Harvard Center for Research on Computation and Society ICJAI 2021 AI for Social Good Workshop. Covered by the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision.

Silly walking - taken seriously

A very serious investigation

Charities Speak

Research report that maps arts and cultural charities in England and Wales

Presented at DCMS, Arts Council England, Royal Academy of Arts, DataTech20 and included in the Repository for Arts and Health Resources. | nesta blog
I also created an accompanying interactive visualisation.

Streaming culture

Analysis of changing online culture consumption behaviour in the five years between 2013 and 2018

Presented at the UK Intellectual Property Office. Co-authored as a CREATe Working Paper.
I also used follow-on survey data for a briefing on how the Covid lockdown was changing games and streaming services.

CORSMAL Challenge at the 2019 Intelligent Sensing Summer School (London)

Part of the Winning Team -- check out our slides here

Working with RDF data in python

What is this semantic web you speak of?

Common python interview questions (Part 1)

With a particular focus on mutability, hashing, and garbage collection.

Traversing graphs with tidygraph in R

With a primer on SKOS, breadth-first and depth-first search.

Procedure graphs (and the handshaking theorem)

Analyzing Parliamentary procedure as graphs.

Explaining a sklearn classifier

Taking a peak inside a machine learning black box.

Answers one simple question only. Code here.

Digital Deserts in the Sooner State

Mapping Oklahoma Lifeline Broadband Subsidies with R Shiny

What to Expect When You’re Expecting Lifeline Reform

A Public Interest Perspective on Making Broadband Service Affordable for All

Lifeline Modernization 2015 Comments

Comments to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on the Lifeline Universal Service Program for Low-Income Consumers

Paid Peering, Paid Prioritization, and the Nuance of the Net Neutrality Debate

With a plain English explanation of Internet backbone infrastructure

An Interview with the U.S. Ambassador to Mongolia

Conducted for The Politic undergrad magazine at Yale

My very first web app!

Done for my very first uni programming class